Watch OEWeek Live! Thursday 9 March Show #1

How is already the fourth day of OEWeek? From today’s events we will give you a summary of what you choose to participate in for ones coming up in the next few hours.

But the main feature is for our guests to describe their projects and activities going on this week, as well as highlights of what they have experienced. And whatever else emerges in our informal conversations.

Here are all the details including the exact time converted to your location. The live stream will be embedded below and will be available later as a recording.

:alarm_clock: When: 2023-03-09T16:00:00Z
:tv: Watch Live:
:people_holding_hands:t4: Guests (updated as we get closer):

  • Maren Deepwell & OER23 Conference Team (joining us live from their Discord meeting channel): All about the OER23 conference and conference partners GO-GN
  • Rob Farrow (UK Open University): ENCORE+, OER Innovation, Business Models for OER
  • ??

Watch on YouTube to send questions/comments live to the studio or post any questions below.

Watch OEWeek Live

See all the other episodes planned for OEWeek Live!