OERs... Open Excellent Recipes

OERs are tasty too.

Another activity that was popular at last year’s conference was the sharing of recipes. So we are reheating the oven in 2021, and in the spirit of the conference focus, we are looking for your recommendations of OERs (Open Excellent Recipes).

What is something you cook, bake, grill that you can share openly? Maybe it is a recipe shared by a family member or ones that reflect the specialties in your part of the world?

Reply below with your recommended recipe, even better if you have a photo. Share your recipe with a “seasoned” open license (“By Attribution With Jalapeño Pepper”).

As recipes start to appear, maybe try cooking and remixing one, let us know you results.

Note: This is one of many social activities taking place during the conference. For fun we are placing them in different spaces of the conference. Find them all via the be-social tag.

Les recommandations Open Excellent Recipe

Les OER sont également savoureuses.

Une autre activité qui était populaire à la conférence de l’année dernière était le partage de recettes. Alors nous réchauffons le four en 2021, et dans l’esprit du focus de la conférence, nous recherchons vos recommandations de OER (Open Excellent Recipes).

Qu’est-ce que vous cuisinez, faites cuire, grillez et que vous pouvez partager ouvertement ? Peut-être s’agit-il d’une recette partagée par un membre de famille ou de celles qui reflètent les spécialités de votre partie du monde ?

Répondez ci-dessous avec votre recette recommandée, encore mieux si vous avez une photo. Partagez votre recette avec une licence libre « assaisonnée » (“By Attribution With Jalapeño Pepper”).

Au fur et à mesure que les recettes commencent à apparaître, essayez peut-être de cuisiner et de remixer une, faites-nous part de vos résultats.

We would love to see some shared recipes or just cooking tips from your part of the world.

Here at my home in the prairies of Saskatchewan Canada, our property is surrounded by chokecherry bushes that produce a small fruit that is maybe 40% pit. They can have a bitter taste but can also be quite sweet.


My family picked a large amount a few weeks ago, and following this recipe made batches of syrup

After canning it, we have shared it with many friends


Recently my wife suggested trying it as a marinade for barbecuing… so I did. It was quite surreal purple, maybe even disturbing, when placed on the grill

but made for a lovely outer flavored layer for some pork loin.

I tend to experiment much with my OERs… You?