Say Hello and Share Your Summer Goals in Open Pedagogy

Oh, and any time a live chat might be useful, I’d be delighted to do that!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Deb and I am a curriculum developer with the College of New Caledonia in Prince George, British Columbia. I am proud to be able to live and work on the unceded territory of the Lheidli T’enneh. I am interested in learning more about open pedagogy. For the summer I am working on writing an open textbook with two other team members and working on editing an open textbook to add H5P content to it.

I’m excited to spend part of the summer with you.

Hi Deb! I know you :wink:

Thanks for joining the adventure and I hope you jump in with questions, ideas as we try to take on our understanding and practices of open pedagogy.

We are running some ongoing activities around H5P, so please share and maybe help answer questions as they come in.

Thanks again for being adventurous with us.

Howdy Robin! I’m here to serve up H5P. We are doing bits at a time, you can choose when to dip in Topics tagged interactivity-opsa

Thank you for sharing that link to the Best Practices for Fair Use. I’ve also come to realize that I may be overly cautious. It always feel safer to say “no” but it can also inhibit the creativity that was the entire purpose of fair use. It’s a good balance to consider. A live chat about fair use would be fun! I’m not sure where to take that idea…Happy to hear ideas from anyone that would be interested in organizing this.

Ciao Gianni! Thank you so much for the link to Best Practices in Fair Use for OER. I have added this to my important list of resources and will continue to explore it and watch more videos. I have spent the last two weeks compiling a list of openly licensed materials (mostly Youtube videos and detailed descriptions of OER textbook content) and contacting the copyright departments of other all-rights-reserved content creators. I would love to be able to find some OER textbook and videos written in Italian that focus on a variety of academic topics.

Allora sì! Se mi potresti mettere in contatto con qualsiasi persona in Italia che abbia dell’esperienze con OER, ne sarei molto grata! So che c’è state una grande conferenza sull’educazione aperta a Milano alcuni anni fa, ma non sono riuscita a trovare molti libri OER in italiano (su diverse tematiche come psicologia, economia, sociologia ecc.) .

Sto provando a cercare una cosa simile a Khan Academy (ma in italiano) non solo sulla lingua italiana ma sull’antropologia, sulla psicologia, sulla letteratura, sull’ambiente ecc. Non se “un Khan Academy italiano” esista - forse no. Ma trovare alcune altre risorse come libri OER scritti in italiano su diverse tematiche accademiche sarebbe utilissimo! Grazie di avermi scritto. Se è più facile, possiamo anche parlare al telefono o su Zoom - oppure qui va bene. Grazie!

Il mio indirizzo email è; se mi mandi il tuo, ti manderò gli indirizzi elettronici di alcune persone amichevoli di educazione aperta che conosco in Italia. (Non voglio inserire i loro indirizzi e-mail in un forum pubblico come questo, senza permesso.)

Thanks, Jonathan! I sent you an email!