Norwegian Digital Learning Arena as a sustainable organization model :sync:

Margreta Tveisme (Norwegian Digital Learning Arena - NDLA)

NDLA is an OE-repository financed, governed and owned by the majority of the Norwegian counties. Since 2009, the counties have allocated a certain percentage of their budget to develop efficient ways of making free resources available to upper secondary school students in Norway. Today the platform covers more than 100 subjects.

Most of the material is made by teachers who are engaged by NDLA for a certain period of time, before returning to their schools. This guarantees a close relationship with teachers’ needs and wants. The rest of the material is bought in the Nowegian market, helping Norwegian EdTech to thrive and make money on open source solutions. Our materials are mostly CC-BY-SA licenced, ensuring that teachers and pupils can reuse and adapt the material for their own classrooms and their own learning, as well as sharing it further. Our platform technology is open to anyone globally. We also have our own support team, that ensures the quality of our resources, as well as guaranteeing the right licenses etc.

Our next step is to create a platform for teachers and students to collaborate, share their experiences and make their own collections of resources. Through this, we hope to achieve our goal of committing to UNs SDG no. 4, creating inclusive and equitable education for all, by inviting teachers to share material in subjects that we are not able to cover in our repository today.

This webinar presentation will focus on NDLAs organization and business model as a sustainable model, that ensures access for everyone, providing resources that can be reused and adapted by everyone, and also gives teachers still employed in schools an opportunity to create learning resources to help other teachers and students. It will also look at challenges and lessons learned.

Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_51.pdf 📄

Webinar Information

This presentation is part of Webinar 16 Building capacity, Sustainable OER, Developing supportive policy taking place in your local time .

Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
:tv: :arrow_right: Go to Webinar 16

UNESCO OER Action Area: Building capacity, Sustainable OER, Developing supportive policy

Language: English

See the other presentations that take place in this webinar.

Presentation Recording


Before the webinar the authors will be asked to reply below with links to their presentation materials, related videos, and other relevant links, as well as prompts for discussion here.

For anyone that missed the live session, an archive will be posted here as soon as possible.

Conference participants are urged also to reply below with questions, comments for the presenters or to share related resources.

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Here are my slides for my presentation:


If you are intererested in our use of H5P, you can also watch this presentation that is available throughout the confernce: Using H5P creating high quality OER :async: - #2 by johannesnag