Recognising scholars' OE initiatives


Recently, UNESCO has issued guidelines with regard to the 5 areas of its 2019 OER recommendation (see below).

My question is: do you have concrete examples in your higher education institution where Open Education practices are valorised in career development? For example, engaging in an authentic project with students with an output in the form of renewable assignement, like a wiki page on a topic of interest, has the “same weight” in the scholars’ internal evaluation process as the publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal?

This falls into Action Area 2, Action (c), developing mechanisms to create communities of practice, promote teacher professional development using OER, create networks of experts of OER and properly recognize OER creation as a professional or academic merit.

Looking forward to reading how recognition of OE practices are currently living in your respective institutions,

Guidelines on the implementation of the OER Recommendation Action Area 1: building the capacity of stakeholders,
Guidelines on the implementation of the OER Recommendation Action Area 2: developing supportive policy,
Guidelines on the implementation of the OER Recommendation Action Area 3: effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER,
Guidelines on the implementation of the OER Recommendation Action Area 4: Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER and monitoring progress,
Guidelines on the implementation of the OER Recommendation Action Area 5: promoting and reinforcing international cooperation,

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