UNITWIN network in Open Education (UNOE) Launch Event

On June 26th, 3 to 5 PM CEST 2024-06-26T13:00:00Z2024-06-26T15:00:00Z and only online, we will launch officially the UNITWIN network in Open Education (UNOE) which I presented in Edmonton.

The network is organized around Unesco chairs in Open Education. The launch will be given with short talks by the Unesco and Nantes University. Then we will hear a keynote by François Taddei on open education and collective responsibility. And there will be a panel with opinions from our experts from South Africa, Brazil, Tunisia.

Registration (see below) is free. The language for the event will be English.

For more details see the program in pdf format, and to have a short analysis, please read this post on the new blog on Open Education of EUniWell.

Colin de la Higuera

June 26, 2024. 15:00 - 17:00 CEST

  • Inauguration of UNOE under the auspices of Nantes Université & Unesco

  • Guest lecture by Mr François Taddei, President of the Learning Planet Institute (LPI) and holder of the UNESCO Chair in the Science of Learning :

"We need to reimagine universities for a sustainable future:
Let’s promote open education and collective responsibility"

  • Panel discussion on the 4 themes of the UNOE network :

    • Community building, Research, Education, Software

Join us on zoom :

Link : Webinar Registration - Zoom

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Thanks for posting this event, Colin, as a follow up to your conference presentation.

This is of high importance for global educators and also the kind of events and activities we hope more in the community share here.

It would be great if anybody attends shares a highlight. And Colin, will a recording be available after? How can more people get involved with UNITWIN?