KPU | Introducing the Professional Program in Open Education

Professional Program in Open Education | Open Education Research Project (OPEN 9900)—Applied

Developed by experienced open education researcher, Sarah Lambert (@SarahLambertOz), the Open Education Research Project is one of two applied course offerings in the Professional Program for Open Education. This course provides an opportunity for learners to conduct a field project in an academic, workplace or other professional or community setting. Learners will find a location, propose a topic, develop a strategy for implementation and finalize the project. Examples could include developing and delivering a session or webinar on a specific open education practice for a specific setting, writing and presenting a draft policy framework to a committee or other leadership entity, developing an open pedagogy guide for teachers, or proposing a draft micro- credential process for professional certification in an industry of relevance the learners’ work or interest.

This asynchronous, online course begins in June 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit:

Discussion Question: In which areas of open would you like to see more research?

Linked Post: OEGlobal 2022 Sponsor: Kwantlen Polytechnic University - #11 by UNizami