Category Topics

OEGlobal Plaza

Visit our plaza or virtual town square to say hello, connect with others, or use as a place to start conversations on topics of interest to you. Start a new topic to ask questions, share interesting resources, raise questions. The plaza is the open space for any conversation.

OE Week

Welcome to OEG Connect for Open Education Week (OE Week). This is a place to post highlights of events and also available to anyone to organize activities with attached discussion.


Welcome to the OEG Connect area for the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER). As a node of Open Education Global, CCCOER promotes the awareness and adoption of open educational policies, practices, and resources at community colleges.

OE Sharing Zone

Mostly the entire OEG Connect Community is about sharing, but I thought maybe it would be worth having a specific place for sharing anything you have found in your web travels that is of interest to others here.

OE Awards

Each year the Open Education Awards for Excellence recognizes outstanding contributions in the Open Education community. Here you can learn about the Awards, discuss the process, learn about the categories, and interact with previous award winners.

OE Events

Share your Open Education related conferences, meetings, webinars, or any related event of interest. Anyone who has created an account in OEG Connect can contribute their own events from the OE Events area by creating a New Topic.

OEG Voices

OEG Voices is a podcast produced by Open Education Global. We introduce you to the people and ideas of open education practitioners from around the world. Engage in dialogue with guests here in OEG Connect.

OE Global 2024

The next Open Education Global Conference is going “down under” to Brisbane, Australia, 13-15 November 2024. You will find activity happening and ways to participate here in OEG Connect before, during and after the conference (more…)

OE Global 2023

This conversation space is for OE Global 2023 Oct 16-18 in Edmonton and those in participating from afar. We are embracing here the conference vision of braiding (more…)


Bienvenido a este foro de conversación en el cual educadores y promotores de educación abierta dialogan y comparten sus experiencias con el uso de REAs y PEAs en la región latinoamericana.

OE Francophone

Bienvenue dans un lieu d’échanges sur les enjeux, les tendances, les projets en éducation ouverte intéressant les éducateurs francophones. Vous êtes invité à répondre aux discussions existantes ou à créer un nouveau sujet.

Open PD

Currently in development itself, we are exploring new, non-traditional approaches to professional development for open educators. Look soon for self-paced courses and other community driven activities.

OE Global 2022

After two years online the 2022 OE Global Conference returns to an in-person Congress in Nantes, May 23-25. Our “AND Conference” concept offers a participatory space for those who are able to be In Nantes and many more who are Not In Nantes (learn more).

OE Global 2021

Welcome to the lobby for the OE Global 2021 online conference. Use the main buttons to find conference information, the schedule, and session details. Here in the lobby you can introduce yourself, meet others, and be part of social activities (learn more…)

OE Global 2020

Welcome the OE Global 2020 conference hosted by Taipei Medical University, 16-20 November, 2020. The lobby is where you can find the conference activity areas and see all conversations in one place (more information…)

Unlock Open Education

Open Education is a new concept to many people. It is also a concept that, as it grows, evolves and changes. This section invites the curious and the newly interested to explore the many facets currently defined and involved in Open Education.