After two years online the 2022 OE Global Conference returns to an in-person Congress in Nantes, May 23-25. Our “AND Conference” concept offers a participatory space for those who are able to be In Nantes and many more who are Not In Nantes (learn more).
The Road to Now
During the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 and 2021 OE Global conferences were offered as fully online events hosted here in OEG Connect. Many more global educators were able to participate than previous conferences requiring travel.
And in 2022 a number of presenters for sessions accepted for the Congress are finding travel for them is not viable. Can we re-think conference activities to move beyond the online vs in-person modality?
This space is online and is organized around a conference, but we are not offering it as an online conference per se.
We are aiming opportunities for both people In Nantes and ones Not in Nantes – so we are adding to the Congress experience from wherever we are, not trying to replicate a conference format but to augment it.
Hence the name “AND Conference” inspired by the Yes, and rule of improv that we adopt so anyone can add to the Congress experience, wherever they are.
All activity and events are centered on the goals of the 2022 Congress in Nantes to continue the 2021 online conference theme of furthering the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on OER.
How Will This Work?
OEG Connect is an organic, discussion platform, every item is conversational and the space grows around the back and forth engagement. As a participant you can reply to any content or start new topics.
Continue on to learn the ways to be part of the AND Conference or to explore a map of the pathways into the conference space.
Find your way
OE Global 2022
Full Schedule
In Nantes Conference Sessions
Interaction Space
Not in Nantes Unconference Sessions