OEGlobal 2022 Sponsor: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

For more than 40 years, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) has provided students with the skills they need for the careers they want. We offer a range of degree, diploma, certificate, and citation programs with opportunities for hands-on experience and experiential learning.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Professional Program in Open Education

This comprehensive and flexible online program is designed to develop expertise and capacity across a broad spectrum of open educational practices, including open educational resources and pedagogies, educational technologies, policy, advocacy, and scholarship. The program balances both theoretical and practical elements, always ensuring that critical perspectives and issues are foregrounded.

OE Global 2022 Conference Activities

Presenting during the Sponsors Track

:spiral_calendar: Track Date/Time: 2022-05-25T12:00:00Z (your local time)

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Introducing the Professional Program in Open Education

Looking for a comprehensive professional development opportunity in open education? You’re in luck! Register for Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s (British Columbia) Professional Program in Open Education (PPOE). This comprehensive and flexible online program is designed to develop expertise and capacity across a broad spectrum of open educational practices, including open educational resources and pedagogies, educational technologies, policy, advocacy, and scholarship. The program balances both theoretical and practical elements, always ensuring that critical perspectives and issues are foregrounded.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: What topics, ideas, or questions do you hope are discussed in this program?


I hope this program discusses the often invisible labour that goes into supporting open education within academic institutions, and how we can provide more sustainable support.

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Professional Program in Open Education | Theory and Philosophy of Open Education (OPEN-9100)—Required

One of two required courses in the Professional Program in Open Education is Theory and Philosophy of Open Education. Developed by Martin Weller (@MWeller), this course provides an overview of the roots and purposes of open education. It surveys the growth of open education from the 1960s to today, offering a broad introduction to the scope of the field including key research themes. Learners will read research and explore a wide range of examples of open education practices from a variety of contexts. In an examination of the social justice ethos of open education, learners will study such topics that underlie many open education approaches and initiatives.

This asynchronous online course begins in September 2022.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: How does open support and/or conflict with different ideas of social justice?

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Professional Program in Open Education | Open Educational Resources and Pedagogies (OPEN-9200)—Required

The second required course in the Professional Program in Open Education, OER and OEP, was developed by Karen Cangialosi (@karencang). The course delves into central components of open education, including open educational resources, open pedagogy, and the broader concepts of openness in research. Learners will study different content licencing regimes and apply them to a variety of scenarios, as well as review and engage in a variety of activities that demonstrate examples of open pedagogy.

This asynchronous online course begins in October 2022.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Return tomorrow to learn more about our elective course offerings!

Discussion Question: What are some of your favourite resources for creating/adapting OER or implementing OEP?


Professional Program in Open Education | Open Educational Technologies (OPEN-9400)—Elective

Learners will have the option to choose from two of three elective courses in the Professional Program in Open Education. Open Educational Technologies, developed by Clint LaLonde, Anne-Marie Scott, and Brian Lamb (@clintlalonde, @ammienoot, @brlamb) provides a view into some of the technologies used in open education and how they support open pedagogies. Learners obtain an overview of some of the main tools and learning environments available, as well as their challenges and administrative requirements. Ethical and legal aspects are investigated, including current issues in education involving such technologies as facial recognition, surveillance, privacy, and ethical use of learning analytics. Options for managing and scaling open digital learning environments and tools, as well as options for inter-institutional collaboration, are also explored in this course.

This asynchronous, online course begins in February 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: What questions do you ask yourself before using a new or new-to-you technology?

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Professional Program in Open Education | Supporting Open Education (OPEN-9500)—Elective

One of our three options for elective courses includes Supporting Open Education. This course, developed by Amanda Larson (@maeverawr), provides learners with an overview of the different types and systems of support required for successful implementation of open education. Learners will examine different types of scaffolding required for learners to understand and succeed in open education environments. Different types and examples of faculty development programs and supports including instructional design and educational technology expertise will be explored, in both development and delivery of open pedagogy and open education programming. The role of librarians in supporting, advancing, and advocating for open educational resources and increased diversity of resources is discussed as a key part of an open education ecosystem.

This asynchronous, online course begins in April 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: What are some ways we can start shining a light on this often-invisible labour?

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I always ask myself what personal information does the user need to provide in order to use it?

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Professional Program in Open Education | Open Education Policy and Leadership (OPEN-9600)—Elective

Policy and Leadership, developed by global leader in Open Education, Glenda Cox (@Glencox), rounds out the elective courses offered in the Professional Program in Open Education. This course provides administrators and leaders with strategic-level local and global views of open education policy and leadership, with a particular focus on scenario planning that involves open education practices. The creation of open education policy frameworks is examined, along with examples of change leadership required to implement open education practices at the institutional level. Learners will participate in discussions and study examples of intra- and inter-institutional collaborations, the role of governments, and the achievement of institutional missions with open education practices.

This asynchronous, online course begins in May 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: What is are some dream policies you’ve hoped to cultivate at your institution?

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Professional Program in Open Education | Open Education Field Project (OPEN-9800)—Applied

Open Education Field Project, developed by veteran open education advocate and expert, Irwin DeVries (@IrwinD), offers one of two course-based opportunities to apply learning through action in the Professional Program in Open Education. This course provides an opportunity for learners to conduct a field project in an academic, workplace, or another professional or community setting. Learners will find a location, propose a topic, develop a strategy for implementation and finalize the project. Examples could include developing and delivering a session or webinar on a specific open education practice for a specific setting, as well as writing and presenting a draft policy framework to a committee or other leadership entity, developing an open pedagogy guide for teachers, or proposing a draft micro- credential process for professional certification in an industry of relevance the learners’ work or interest.

This asynchronous, online course begins in June 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: What are some barriers that have prevented you from conducting a field project?

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Professional Program in Open Education | Open Education Research Project (OPEN 9900)—Applied

Developed by experienced open education researcher, Sarah Lambert (@SarahLambertOz), the Open Education Research Project is one of two applied course offerings in the Professional Program for Open Education. This course provides an opportunity for learners to conduct a field project in an academic, workplace or other professional or community setting. Learners will find a location, propose a topic, develop a strategy for implementation and finalize the project. Examples could include developing and delivering a session or webinar on a specific open education practice for a specific setting, writing and presenting a draft policy framework to a committee or other leadership entity, developing an open pedagogy guide for teachers, or proposing a draft micro- credential process for professional certification in an industry of relevance the learners’ work or interest.

This asynchronous, online course begins in June 2023.

For more information and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: In which areas of open would you like to see more research?

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I’d be interested in seeing some research on how much time/effort is spent on creating new OERs vs how much of that time/effort it would take to adapt an existing OER.

Professional Program in Open Education | Register Now!

If our amazing suite of courses and exceptional expert developers weren’t enough reason to register in the Professional Program in Open Education, note that our stunning tiles were illustrated by the talented Bryan Mathers of @VisualThinkery. The entire suite of courses was reviewed and edited by Marc Singer (@Marcpsinger1), who has spent most of his academic career working to improve educational options for nontraditional and adult learners.

For more information about the Professional Program in Open Education and to register, please visit: www.kpu.ca/ppoe

Discussion Question: Which course in this program are you most looking forward to?