About the 2022 Conference Schedule

This schedule serves as a organized map of the full OE Global 2022 experience and will include a daily summary of all sessions In Nantes, plus other Interaction events or online Unconference sessions that take place synchronously.

a banner saying "around the world of Open Education in 3-days"

Yes, as a conference with a complex format trying a new way to engage a full range of participants, we have multiple schedules - a draft program (Google Doc), a Nante on-site version (Pretalx), and this OEG Connect version.

The program here will include the In Nantes program sessions :fr: and the two tracks where live steams are available plus the AND conference live interaction activities :computer:

Find Events

:spiral_calendar: By Day | Mon May 23 | Tue May 24 | Wed May 25 |
:palms_up_together:t4: AND Live Events | Salle 450 Live Stream | Salle 200 Live Stream | Hallway Conversations |
:bell: Ongoing | Unconference | Interactions | Sponsors |
:arrow_right: By Action Area | Building Capacity | Supportive Policy | Inclusive / Equitable OER | Sustainable OER | International Cooperation |
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Return | OE Global 2022 |

Thanks OEGlobal 2022 Sponsors

Frontiers for Young Minds l'Université Numérique Kwantlen Polytechnic University Michelson 20MM Foundation

Région Pays de la Loire Nantes Metropole CNRS