We are days away from the start of the conference, and there are many avenues of participation created here (maybe too many?) for both participants In Nantes and those of us Not in Nantes.
Connect to OEG Connect
Everything here can be viewed, but there is much more value in contributing to conversations here.
- Login to or signup to create an OEG Connect Account
- Join the Conference participant group
Say Hello (in several ways, choose your own)
- Reply to Hello OEGlobal 22 World and/or
- Watch and add your own 30 second FlipGrid Bonjour message
- Share how far you are traveling to Nantes or how far away from Nantes you are participating and/or
- Respond to our In Nantes / Not in Nantes Poll
Explore Presentations and Activities
- Look for presentations of interest from the Schedule Area (dates and times are all converted to local time) with details for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday sessions in Nantes.
- Or browse/search for sessions in the In Nantes Sessions
- All Sessions from two of the main rooms will be live streamed for anyone to watch, see the stream and sessions available for Auditorium 450 and for sessions from Salle 200.
- Look for out Not in Nantes Unconference Sessions for ongoing activities and discussions.
See also our wayfinding guide…
Watching is one thing, but use the conversational features in OEG Connect to ask questions / give feedback to any conference session or activity. Make use of that reply button!
Attach conference sessions, resources, comments by annotating the UNESCO OER Recommendation Better yet, create one yourself, just make a new topic there. Current open topics include:
Explore the Interaction Activities
See the Interaction Zone for fun and exploration activities designed to connect participants whether In Nantes or Not in Nantes, such as
- Join live audio conversations at the Nantes afternoon coffee breaks
- Remix and Share a digital postcard
- On Tuesday join us for a re-watching together of Dr Sian Proctor’s opening keynote
- Be our event photographers
- Open Petagogy - sharing pet photos
See more interaction activities or create your own
Participate here and connect wherever you are following #OEGlobal22
Find your way
OE Global 2022
Full Schedule
In Nantes Conference Sessions
Interaction Space
Not in Nantes Unconference Sessions