Ready? Go! The ultimate conference checklist

If you are someone who likes checklists, below is a list of items to consider doing before, during, and after your session.

Before the Conference

Are you on Social media? We are!

  1. We are on Twitter and Facebook. Follow and Like!
  2. Be more #OEGlobal with these visual materials. Wear your badge with pride!
  3. Tag @OpenEdGlobal (Twitter) or @OpenEducationGlobal (Facebook) if you are posting about your presentation, who you are watching, what is being shared, everything!
  4. You can watch the #OEGlobal21 videos on this YouTube playlist. Subscribe!

Share on Connect and your favorite social media channel

  1. When sharing, use the hashtag #OEGlobal21
  2. Post your remixed postcards with this hashtag #OEG21Remix ! Find out what to do here.
  3. How important is #Petagogy in your life?

During the conference

At the conference:

Take part in the Be Social fun!

During sessions, please remember to:

  • Unless you are speaking, please keep your mic muted during the live sessions.
  • Use cameras when possible (make sure your camera is off if you do not want to be videoed).
  • Be present
  • Let the speakers know you were listening! If you have something to add (a link or resource the speaker might be interested in), don’t be shy to add click on ⤻Reply button on the session page, and post your thought, comment, link or idea.
  • Ask questions using the chat and/or Q&A function
  • Accept non-closure should answers not be provided

After a session:

  • Keep an eye on your notifications - if someone replies to a previous comment you have made, it will let you know.
  • Ask some additional questions and engage in a discussion about your presentation.
  • Engage with other attendees through the social activities - you can find them here.

Let us know how each action area impacts your work and future.

Other links to visit:

  1. #OEGlobal21: A Safe Space
  2. Community Participation Guidelines
  3. The Attendees Guide
  4. Welcome to the OEGlobal21 online conference
  5. Navigate the OEGlobal21 conference space
  6. Communicate effectively within OEG Connect

Dear Isla

Hello. I have added a questionnaire (Google Form) as our Interactive Activity. And added some links/resources. Is this how to do it? Is there another way to convey info to OEGC audience, and encourage the interactive activity of doing the questionnaire itself?


Dear Garrett,

I saw your questionnaire and the resources on your page … and they look wonderful!
I don’t think there is one way to do an interactive activity - rather many different ways. And yours as a survey/google form is absolutely great.

You can also encourage further interaction to your concept by asking questions, leaving a poll, telling people when you will be ‘live’ at the page for questions (perhaps the same time every day, or you could also offer a specific time when you could meet. There are so many ways to do it …!

Hello Isla, we can’t get into our zoom room~! How do we access it?

Hi @garrett , can you still not get in? Which room? Which session?
Sorry - I obviously missed this – I hope you came right. I hopped @cogdog helped you?