

I served as the Executive Director of Open Education Global (2018-2022). It was an honour to work with the great team of people there and transition the organization from the Open Education Consortium to Open Education Global.

I’m particularly proud to have helped with so many global open education activities and events including:

On my departure the OEGlobal Board of Directors awarded me a lifetime membership in OEGlobal for which I am grateful and honoured. While I am no longer Executive Director I continue to support OEGlobal and open educators everywhere.

Prior to joining OEGlobal I worked at Creative Commons where I helped with large scale open education efforts and worked on all kinds of open initiatives ranging from education to culture, research, and science. I led development of the Creative Commons Certificate, and with co-author Sarah Pearson, wrote a Kickstarter funded book called “Made With Creative Commons” which explores the many ways organizations use Creative Commons to sustain and help their organization flourish.

In 2003 I got my start in open education as one of the original founders of BCcampus where among other responsibilities I managed a Ministry of Advanced Education annual fund for the entire post secondary sector supporting development of Open Educational Resources.

I’m pleased to be currently working with the Open Education Network doing Institute of Museum and Library Services funded research aiming to produce guidance for librarians on how to initiate and develop mature open education programs.

I’m also thrilled to be working with SPARC Europe on their Connecting the Worlds of Open Science and Open Education effort.

I’m based in Vancouver Canada where I enjoy the mountains, ocean and wilderness of the Pacific Northwest.