EDI Book Club Facilitators Handbook

It looks like the EDI Book Club HANDBOOK we created for facilitators has been deleted.

Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UH8rWhJjjl9XO4gNU2KhycLxWIBVvNOAMw88lmTmKZQ/edit#

I’m hopeful one of you beautiful people made a copy or downloaded it on your own computer. If you saved a copy of the EDI Book Club Facilitators Handbook, could you upload that copy here or reply to this message? A PDF, Google Doc or Word Doc will work, whatever format you have it in would be greatly appreciated.


Hello, Ursala! Any chance the handbook link will be restored? I tried to access it today 9/13/22 and could not retrieve it. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place? Any assistance is appreciated.

Thanks for asking. We were able to find a copy and we’ve saved it at a new location. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13aZNitN7T3kF4S6JJ-O3mT1kfYxw1gPWFvhmv_joqHs/edit?usp=sharing

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Ah, so nice. Thanks!