[ENOEL Workshop series] WS#4 Embrace the Open: OE Librarianship 101

Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you to the fourth event in our ENOEL Workshop series, organised by SPARC Europe and the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL), on 24 January 2024 at 1-2:30 PM CET. The workshop topic is “Embrace the Open: OE Librarianship 101 ”.

Our workshop facilitator is Marta Bustillo, from University College Dublin (Ireland).

During the workshop, you will discover criteria for identifying high-quality OER collections, have an opportunity to explore practical considerations when planning OER, and gain insights into the roles librarians can play in promoting open educational practices. With other participants, you will further reflect on the value of providing access to OER and the benefits for different types of library users. Lastly, you will be encouraged to share OER projects and resources created in your own institution. Don’t miss this chance to explore Open Education Librarianship with other international librarians and open education experts!

The chat will be open for the audience to ask questions and engage in the discussion directly with our experts.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Select criteria that can help you identify high-quality OER collections for use in your own Open Education projects.
  • Apply practical approaches when planning OER to make them easily re-usable, adaptable and shareable.
  • Distinguish the most appropriate Creative Commons licenses for OER.
  • Reflect on ways to contribute to open educational practices in your role as a librarian

Please join us. Register using this link: https://tinyurl.com/ENOELWorkshop4

This event is the fourth in the series of ENOEL Workshops.

The previous webinar recordings are available in the ENOEL Workshops playlist on our @ENOELforOpen Youtube Channel. Slides, workshop plans and other resources are openly available in the SPARC Europe Collection on Zenodo.

Stay tuned for more sessions coming in 2024.

We hope you can make it, and we encourage you to share this with your colleagues!

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ENOEL WS#4 “Embrace the Open: OE Librarianship 101”, thanks to Marta Bustillo, offered the community an opportunity to go through the main steps needed to start working with OER. I am grateful to Marta and all participants for their questions and comments!