[ENOEL Workshop series] WS#6 Embrace the Open: (Re-)using and Creating OER

Dear all,
If you are interested in following a learning path with us or inviting your colleagues to it, librarians are ready to offer the sixth event in the ENOEL Workshop series, organised by SPARC Europe and the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL), on 19 March 2024 at 1-2:30 PM CET. The workshop topic is “Embrace the Open: (Re-)using and Creating OER”.

Our workshop facilitator is Zuzana Stožická from the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (Slovakia).

During this workshop, you will get an opportunity to explore the diversity of OER forms, reflect on the benefits of re-using OER and learn how to create and share your own content according to your students’ needs in an easily reusable manner. With other participants, you can try out the process, including the selection of the appropriate licence. Don’t miss this chance to unleash your creativity in a way that may be useful for the whole world!

The chat will be open for the audience to ask questions and engage in the discussion directly with our expert.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify OER for reuse according to the topic, the format, the licence and the context you are working in;
  • Select the OER that best fit your students’ learning needs;
  • Modify/adapt reused OER as allowed by their open licence and acknowledge their authors properly;
  • Increase the accessibility and reusability of the OER you are creating;
  • Choose the right licence for your OER according to the project requirements, your institutional policy, and the context.

Please join us. Register using this link: Meeting Registration - Zoom

This event is the sixth in the series of ENOEL Workshops.

The previous webinar recordings are available in the ENOEL Workshops playlist on our @ENOELforOpen Youtube Channel. Slides, workshop plans and other resources are openly available in the SPARC Europe Collection on Zenodo.

Stay tuned for more sessions coming in 2024: we have a full set of ideas for you :blush:

Dear all,

If you are interested in ENOEL WS#6 in the “Embrace the Open” series, (Re-)using and Creating OER, and missed it or want to go back to it for any detail, we are sharing the recording, the slides and the workshop plan as usual.

Thanks again to Zuzana for choosing us to experience her first international workshop as a facilitator!

The recording is available on our @ENOELforOpen YouTube Channel in the Workshop playlist here: https://youtu.be/uaHWvTicY0I?si=_00BuNpfqP52HBRd

The workshop plan and the slides are available on Zenodo: ENOEL WS#6 - Embrace the Open: (Re-)using and creating OER
