Welcome! I am happy to connect with you. This is Dr Munir. I cordially invite you to join Global Forum for Teacher Educators and also fill membership form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjLjnuVMv6Gc3sL4KWiAAtbvs9Rvg1zCDPV535F1k8SVXhBQ/viewform
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Dear Dr. Munir,
Thank you for inviting me to join the Global Forum for Teacher Educators. I appreciate the opportunity and will fill out the membership form as soon as possible.
Thank you again for the invitation.
Omer S.M. Jomah
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Good Day Dr. Munir,
Thank you for the invitation to join Global Forum for Teach Educators. I am an academic librarian and not a professor. Plus, I have some concerns about printing a certificate that is not mine, taking a picture with said certificate, and posting that picture. Please explain why this should be done.