There are almost 80 sessions submitted! Please, take a look at this fantastic schedule
We will publish everything concerning the programme via Sched. Sched is the platform where you can organize your own schedule. You can browse the programme items and add everything interesting to your individual agenda. Sched even transfers all the dates and times to your time zone. Please take a look for yourself on
You just need to sign up to create your own schedule . (Yes, it’s free for attendees. We’ve already paid for up to 500 accounts.)
All these sessions were submitted by someone like you!
This is: You are the ones who determine what topics to discuss. By simply submitting a session.
It does not need a glossy presentation based on 25 years of research. You are totally welcome to start a session with no more than a question and an invitation to share thoughts and experiences. You can submit your session via .
By Thursday morning we received the 100th session submission!
And this is number 100 in our schedule:
It’s a session by Zherluck Shaen Rodriguez on “Climate Change Education in Action by Department of Education in Philippines”. The session will discuss the role of OER in Climate Change Education and will take place in hour 47.