Join us for the final session of this year's EDI Book Club!

The 3rd annual EDI Summer Book Club concludes this Thursday, August 10, at 3 PM Eastern. Over 11 weeks, book club participants discussed and reflected upon the responses and experiences of the six women of color, leaders in the Open Education movement featured in "OERigin Stories: Pathways to the Open Movement (CC BY-SA 4.0). These leaders are Tonja Conerly, Angela DeBarger, Liliana Diaz Solodukhin, Shinta Hernandez, Jessie Loyer, and Ariana Santiago.

We are excited that several of the profiled leaders have graciously agreed to attend our final book club session, which concludes with Chapter VIII, The Significance of the Stories. According to Ursula Pike, editor of OERigin Stories:

“The testimonies of these women illustrate that there is no single story for Open Education, especially when using OER to address long-standing equity, diversity, and inclusion issues in higher education…

…I invite you to read and consider the wisdom and experiences of the women of color in Open Education contained in this document. There’s no single story here and each response illuminates a different experience.”

The EDI Committee invites you and anyone in your network who may be interested in joining us to engage in thoughtful and purposeful discussion to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in Open Education. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon!

Andrea and Wayde
EDI Commitee Co-VPs

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