Not So Magic Tricks for Open License Image Use

Someone has to create new topic here, it might as well be me.

This is more of an ongoing interest, both in spreading the understanding of not just finding open licensed images for reuse (see my box of tricks), but also remixing, and the all important step of attribution (a long running blog topic of mine).

While much of the focus of OER these days is on larger chunks of content (e,g, textbooks), images to me has always been of interest in understanding open licenses and remix, because they are a granular media used in those bigger projects.

What kind of magic tricks will happen here? Hmmm. these will come out of my ongoing media work, stuff I do and use on a regular basis. This space is open to you to share your own tricks.

Note: This is one example of an Open Pedagogy Adventure topic - you can start your own here, just make a new topic, post, share, do something, update, repeat!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Not So Magic Tricks for Open Licensed Image Use

A post was split to a new topic: Not So Magic Tricks for Open Licensed Image Use