OEG 2020 Gold Sponsor: L'Université Numérique


L’Université Numérique federates French Digital Thematic Universities in Humanities & Foreign languages, Management and Economics, Science and Technology, Medicine as well as Sustainable Development. Launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, they are focused on OERs and digital transformation in Higher Education Institutions, and are involved in collaborative projects with international partners (universities, virtual universities, ministries for Higher Education, UNESCO, companies).

During OEG 2020 we are offering a series of special demos sessions and opportunities for you to get a hands on experience with our tool suite. Message us directly with questions or times when you can join is for an interactive conversation.

  • Live Session: Date/time/link/description
  • Activity 1: Date/time/link/description
  • Activity 2: Date/time/link/description
  • Activity 3: Date/time/link/description

Reply to this message with any questions or suggestions. We are eager to meet with you during the conference!