OEG 2020 Silver Sponsor: Learnful

badge-silver_small Learnful


Learnful is a new way to (co-)create, remix, collaborate, and connect on OER initiatives at a micro or macro scale. It is an open source tool that enables you to build collaborative communities of practice for teaching and learning.


Modular OER Authoring

Author, share, & remix small-to-medium form OER, with each smaller-form OER being embed-able within the next resource type. Currently, you can author H5P, Lesson, & Modules.

Collaborative Authoring & Revisions

Easily share editing permissions for your resource to collaborate with your peers to make OER authoring more sustainable. Each revision to a resource is also track, allowing you to compare and revert previous versions.

Creative Commons Licensing and Auto-Attribution

Provide a Creative Commons License for your resource to make it openly available for other authors. A detailed license attribution is automatically generated, and includes the names of collaborators, the source it is being derived from, and the original work if it’s a remix.

Build Open Communities

Create Workspaces that encourage community efforts to tackle instructional initiatives and authoring together! Workspaces allow you to discuss and organise your efforts, co-author, share, and review OER, and catalogue the outcomes and achievements of the group for future adaptors.

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