Hello OEGlobal Community-
I could use some help. Unfortunately, I’ve run into challenges finding my final two participants for my Ph.D. dissertation study. I am running against the clock here as deadlines for the completion of the data collection and discussion chapters are due to the School of Education (SOE) by Mid-March. This means I need to find, secure, and collect all data from these final participants by the last weekend or end of February to have to transcribe, code, write, and send to my committee for approval before the SOE. If you, or if someone you know, would be interested in my study (please see the info below), please feel free to pass along this information at your comfort. Thank you in advance!
First, a bit about me and the context/intention of my dissertation. I am an Instructional Design and Technology Ph.D. Candidate at Liberty University and the focus of my dissertation is the lived experience of US-based higher education faculty who create and use OER in their courses. The intention of this phenomenological study is to understand the challenges and successes of those who have moved from the “awareness” stage into the “use” stage of OER. The inspiration for this was the review of the Babson/Bayview Analytics ongoing study (that has indicated a growing awareness of OER against a slower growth of OER users) coupled with the excitement of emerging open educational practices (or pedagogy or OER-Enabled Practices, etc.) research that investigates how some are, or how some could, use OER as part of their instructional approach. As an individual pursuing Instructional Design and Technology, this subject is especially important to understanding how instruction can be supported and enhanced through the use of OER.
Please note the following time commitment approximations in total and broken by parts below:
Commitment: approx. 2 total hours over 2-2.5 weeks
Engagement (approx. time):
[1] Consent Form (<5 min);
[2] Journal Prompt Questions (4 sections of about 15 minutes each; 1 hour total);
[3] Artifact Submission (<10 min); and
[4] Semi-Structured Interview (30-60 min)
I have setup a screening survey via Survey Monkey that can be accessed via this bitly link: PhD Dissertation Screening Survey. Please feel free to pass along this link (and the “Flyer” below) at your comfort. Please send all questions to my email: awanstrath@liberty.edu
Thank you!