This where the team from the #OERcampglobal headquarter share the latest news from organising the first 48-hour Unconference on Open Education and OER.
#OERcampglobal Update Nr. 1
Spread the word! Poster available in six languages!
You may already know our poster/flyer. We’ve just finished translation for all six UN languages. Please help us spread the word! You can find all six versions on our website
Please promote!
Please believe us when we say: We really DO know that comes somewhat at short notice. That’s why we really need YOU to spread the word within your communities and your regions. Please use the posters mentioned above. We are also more than happy to send you a text to forward. Thank you in advance, so much!
Get a Sched Account!
Do you already know Sched? No? Then you should get to know it. It’s awesome for organising your own schedule. We will publish everything concerning the programme via Sched. You just need to sign up to create your own schedule . (Yes, it’s free for attendees. We’ve already paid for up to 500 accounts.)
You (yes, you!) can submit a session!
We have already over 80 sessions! All these sessions were submitted by someone like you! is a BarCamp. This is: YOU are the ones who determine what topics to discuss. By simply submitting a session. It does not need a glossy presentation based on 25 years of research. You are totally welcome to start a session with no more than a question and an invitation to share thoughts and experiences. You can submit your session via .
Videos and conversation on twitter!
Did you know that we are posting all sessions and keynotes on twitter, as soon as we’ve learned about them? And there are also videos in which Jöran is explaining Our explanations might not be the most sophisticated ones. But they come to you directly from our daily work in our headquarters. Take a look for yourself:
Warm greetings from
#OERcampglobal Update Nr. 2
From 30 to 70+ sessions in one week!
Last week we were overjoyed to present the first 30 sessions. And only a week late we can announce that there are now more than 80 sessions already! Please, take a look at this fantastic schedule, made by YOU, the global Open Education Community.
We will have not only sessions but also plenary hours and keynotes. These are the things we are organising right now! This is currently a huge jigsaw puzzle of bringing all the pieces into one schedule. But we promise! It’s a matter of a few days before you can see the result with talks from Chile to France, from Senegal to California, from South Africa to Sweden.
(Well, okay, we can’t wait to let you know of the first commitments we just received! Neil Butcher from South Africa will be there with a talk “My Journey Towards Openness: Reflections on why we engage with open licensing”. Ebba Ossiannilsson from Sweden will speak, as well as Werner Westermann from Chile. There are even rumors that the great Jim Groom himself might host a karaoke session! Okay, more to come, next week.)
Get a Sched-Account, really!
Sched is the platform where you can organize your own schedule. You can browse the program items and add everything interesting to your individual agenda. Sched even transfers all the dates and times to your time zone. Please take a look for yourself on
Warm greetings from
#OERcampglobal Update Nr. 3
We hit the 100
This morning we received the 100th session submission. To be honest, we are barely keeping up coordinating all your great submissions. Please apologize if it currently may take a day or two to update the programme.
This is number 100 in our schedule.
In our schedule you can not only find the BarCamp sessions but also 15 plenary hours. (More on them in a second.) So we have already published the 100th item in our schedule. It’s a session by Zherluck Shaen Rodriguez on “Climate Change Education in Action by Department of Education in Philippines”. The session will discuss the role of OER in Climate Change Education and will take place in hour 47.
Plenary hours
During plenary hours there will be no parallel sessions but special events, mostly keynotes to present insights from different parts of the world. You get an overview when you filter sched for “plenary hours”. Here are some of them:
- My Journey Towards Openness: Reflections on why we engage with open licensing | by Neil Butcher
- OER in Western Africa (working title) | by Michel Kenmoe
- To hell with Curriculum! What next? | by Werner Westermann
- The French national OER strategy and projects | by Eric Mechoulan
- OER - a new social contract for learning throughout the lifespan | by Ebba Ossiannilsson
- The UNESCO Recommendation on OER – Quo Vadis? | by Gašper Hrastelj
- Open for Antiracism: Using Open Education to Support Antiracist Teaching | by James Glapa-Grossklag • Una Daly • Joy Shoemate
- Friday Night Karaoke | by Jim Groom • Chahira Nouira
- Reflecting on Open Education in North America: Where It’s Been and Where It’s Headed | by Nicole Allen • Regina Gong
- Strategies for addressing the UN OER recommendations for Francophone West Africa: Developing OER in French Language | by Prof. Moustapha Diack • Mrs. Sushumna Rao
Website visits from 99 countries
Last time we checked the stats for our website it listed visits from 99 countries in the last 30 days. This gave us goosebumps!
Have a look at update one and two for further information
We introduced the programme, more sessions and the 3 P’s.
Warm greetings from
Do you have questions about the programme, access, technical requirements? Here you can get answers to all frequently asked questions. 2021 – #OERcamp
All you need to know about attending
How to access
Every item in our programme can be accessed by one central entry point. This is our Zoom meeting called “The Plenary Hall”. This is where we meet at the top of every hour, where the keynotes take place and where you can access all sessions via breakout rooms. Thus you only have to remember one address. You will get this address by email until 09.12.21.
In the email you will also find instructions on how to take part by using a phone line as the MeetingID and Code.
How to view the schedule
Sched is the platform where you can organize your own schedule. You can browse the programme items and add everything interesting to your individual agenda. Sched even transfers all the dates and times to your time zone. Please take a look for yourself
How to set the correct timezone
(You can also view the following steps as a video on twitter.)
You might have noticed that we do not communicate specific times with something like a “leading time zone”. We simply number the sessions consecutively from “Hour 1” to “Hour 48”. Sched allows you to view the schedule in your individual timezone.
Go to
Create your own account or login to your account. (Not necessary but highly recommended.)
Find the dialogue box for “Timezone”. (At a broad screen it should be at the right side of the screen. Otherwise it’s on the right upper corner.)
Choose your timezone by scrolling down or simply typing the name of your country.
Afterwards we recommend that you switch the view of “Schedule” to “Grid”.
How to understand Plenary Hours and Sessions Hours
Every fourth hour in our programme will be a “plenary hour”. During plenary hours there will be no parallel sessions but one special event, mostly keynotes to present insights from different parts of the world, but also Yoga and Karaoke. You get an overview when you filter sched for “plenary hours”.
All other times are “session hours” with more than one parallel session. These hours, too, start in the Plenary Hall with a brief introduction to all following sessions.
How to get support
If there are any questions please have a look at the FAQ, where you can find answers to important questions. Feel free to answer this email, if we can clarify anything.
How to register or submit sessions last minute
Do you know someone who wants to participate but hasn’t registered yet? Not a problem! They only need to register via and will get all information and links to enter the event.
If you want to submit a session at the last minute, you can do so between Hour 1 (9 Dec 2021, 2 pm UTC+0) and Hour 12 (10 Dec 2021, 12 am UTC+0) of our event. On Friday (10 Dec), we will add these sessions to our schedule. Please note that last minute submissions will be possible only for specific time slots between Hour 25 and Hour 48 of our schedule. Please use to submit your session.
(Not) The end of
Did you attend
If NO please give us just 30 seconds to let us know why on our mini evaluation!
If YES we are asking for 2 or 3 minutes to complete our evaluation form. It really helps us to learn more about if and how such an event can be helpful. Go to the feedback form!
Either way, 48 hours don’t need to be the end. Let’s stay connected!
- We are hoping for (even more) sessions owners to add documentation to the Sched platform within the next few days. We know that many have recorded their sessions. So look out for videos, slides and more.
- We ourselves made recordings from the keynotes during plenary sessions. They will be available in the next few days on our YouTube channel.
- To stay connected we can use Twitter. Follow @OERcamp and look out for the hashtag #OERcampglobal.
- We can use the Connect Platform from OEG for more detailed discussions.
- And we are hoping to see many of you at the manifold events on Open Education next year! In case you missed it during our closing, here is a video with invitations from the hosts of 2022 events!
Last but not least, we would like to extend a BIG thank you. We would like to thank all participants, presenters and promoters, session owners, volunteers and of course the German Commission for UNESCO for making this event possible!
All the best from
the complete team of