Open Pedagogy Award: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship

Montgomery College
Rockville, Maryland, United States

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship is an opportunity for faculty to work across disciplines to create renewable assignments centered around one or more of the SDGs.

The focus is to create these assignments that can be shared with others while also making students agents of change within their own communities. Too often students are forced to complete assignments that have no meaning to them; they complete the work only for a grade and not for a greater purpose of remembering the learning. These renewable assignments allow students flexibility.

The design of the fellowship takes faculty out of their comfort zone in working with others with whom they donā€™t normally engage in learning activities. This team approach results in dynamic discourse and great discovery, all while putting students at the center of the learning process.

This year Montgomery College has partnered with faculty from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia, Maricopa Community College in Arizona and SUNY Delhi in New York. These cross-discipline international teams are expanding the reach of students making changes in their own communities.

Excited to connect with other institutions that might be interested in joining the partnership!

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Wonderful Michael! Welcome to your OE Award space. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a great opportunity to learn about the UN SDGs Open Pedagogy Fellowship. I look forward to see the partnerships that might arise here.

The comprehensive design of the fellowship -working across disciplines and having the SDGs threaded into the program- makes it very interesting and engaging not only to the students but to the faculty as well.

Looking forward to connecting with those interested in this fellowship.

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Re: renewable assignments centered around one or more of the SDGs. / cross-discipline international teams are expanding the reach of students making changes in their own communities.

Looking forward to learning more about how to participate in this meaningful initiative!

Very exciting!

Rita, feel free to connect with me at Would love to have you participate!

Hello all! Maricopa Community Colleges had the wonderful opportunity to participate in this program last year, and we are looking forward to continuing the project this year.

Thank you so much!
I will check with my employer regarding how to proceed - I would love participate!

Excited to know more about the fellowship.

Muy interesante el objetivo de generar aprendizaje significativo con un propĆ³sito mayor y asociarlo con los ODS. Me interesa tener mayor informaciĆ³n para saber como obtener esta beca

Feel free to check out the website at I can be reached at We are looking to expand the involvement of institutions and faculty,.

Thanks for reach out Esteban. You can find out more at United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship | Montgomery College, Maryland. Feel free to contact me at We are looking for institutional partners.