Sessions Streamed to Conference of the Air Web Radio

In addition to the blocks of pre-recorded audio content playing all week long we are also set up to broadcast live all sessions in Conference Room P4 (Sched link). I am also hoping to roam the afternoon breaks with my portable broadcasting app to bring you the sounds from the conference floor.

We set up a device to play the station live from a “radio” sitting on the Reclaim Hosting table in the foyer.

You can find the schedule for sessions we intent to live stream, all converted to your local time, on our Conference of The Air Listening space - just scroll the top to scan the schedule, but more importantly use this to listen to the radio any time.

Conference of the Air program on the web. Scan to see scheduled live streams, and also listen to what ever is playing now

Scheduled Sessions Broadcasted and Recorded

These are the presentations, panels, lightning talks that you will be able to hear live over the next three days. They will all be recorded and linked below marked by :vhs: and also we are adding transcripts generated with MacWhisper.

Day 1

Conference Opening
Invalid date2024-11-13T00:00:00Z

Session 4D: Practice and Policy in OE

Session 5D: Digital Capability, Artificial Intelligence

Session 6D: Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Day 2

Session 9E: Anti-racism
:vhs: Listen to recording

Session 9D: Open Pedagogy, Repositories

Session 10D: Global Access and Equity

Day 3

Session 14A: Practice and Policy in OE

Session 15A: Artificial Intelligence

Hello. I was just wondering if there any recordings available for Session 15A? I would particularly like to listen to - What Will Education Feel Like in 2024? (55 min Presentation, Martin Dougiamas)

Hi Sheridan, Yes I have audio but need a day or two to edit- we had a glitch in the streaming but got a backup recording.

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Thank you so much for your fast reply!

The remaining audio has been added to the list at the top of the post. You can hear Martin’s. audio at

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