Today`s meeting

Hi, I am trying to connect with the meeting marked as ‘coming next’ - scheduled for today NOW. But after registration to the meeting, I got the information, that this presnetation will be on…Wednesday.

I’m sorry to hear that it’s not working. Which session are you looking at?

This is presentation by Johana Funk EDIT: was (according to schedule :))

Which presentations do you see as ‘next’ now? I see 1) MyData 2) AR and 3) When Openess Excludes.

I’m trying to understand why you’d see a wrong presentation in coming up next.

Thank you for sharing that. I can reproduce it on my Firefox. While I work on the fix, I suggest you try to view schedule in Google Chrome.

Maybe I should change sth about time zones ? But I don`t know where to check it. I have my presentation on Wednesday, so I hope I will click Join correctly :wink:

Wow, I tried on Edge (Chrome isn`t working properly on my computer) and now I have the same view as you:

Thank you! Let me know, if Firexof will be fixed - I have all bookmarks and so on there :wink:

Can you please try viewing the schedule in Firefox now and see if it’s showing you correct sessions? Thanks.

Now it`s OK. Magic! Thank you!

Thank you for checking and of course, for reporting the issue :slight_smile: