Tecnológico de Monterrey
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
The Recommendation on OER issued in November 2019 by UNESCO played a central role again in December 2019 at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), with the open educational practice: UNESCO/ICDE International Stay for Open Educational Movement in Latin America.
The purpose of the stay was to build, through international networks, innovative projects with social impact in response to UNESCO’s recommendations, through active methodologies, interaction with experts in innovation, education and research, in order to provide creative solutions to support the sustainable development objectives (ODS) of the UNESCO 2030 agenda.
The participants of the international stay included 70 academics from 11 countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, United States, England, Mexico, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic). The process was supported by the participation of experts from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Universidad Estatal de Educación a Distancia (Costa Rica) and the LATAM node of Open Education Global.
For two weeks, we worked collaboratively with the Roadmap strategy (transferred from the Open Education Consortium, Paris, 2018), through collaborative work, project-based learning and video production with mobile devices. The teams designed projects to support the recommendations of UNESCO 2019. These projects are implemented in 2020 and published in open access.
The results were 14 projects and videos developed collaboratively by international network teams. The projects have been uploaded in open access to the Tecnológico de Monterrey Institutional Repository (RITEC https://repositorio.tec.mx) and its YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/itesm).
Democratizing knowledge advocates for leadership actions and collective work with practices that support the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources, where the constructive work with the open practice of the UNESCO/ICDE Chair Open Educational Movement for Latin America is highlighted.