Unesco OER Implementation Award: UNESCO/ICDE Chair Open Educational Movement for Latin America

Tecnológico de Monterrey
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

The Recommendation on OER issued in November 2019 by UNESCO played a central role again in December 2019 at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), with the open educational practice: UNESCO/ICDE International Stay for Open Educational Movement in Latin America.

The purpose of the stay was to build, through international networks, innovative projects with social impact in response to UNESCO’s recommendations, through active methodologies, interaction with experts in innovation, education and research, in order to provide creative solutions to support the sustainable development objectives (ODS) of the UNESCO 2030 agenda.

The participants of the international stay included 70 academics from 11 countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, United States, England, Mexico, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic). The process was supported by the participation of experts from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Universidad Estatal de Educación a Distancia (Costa Rica) and the LATAM node of Open Education Global.

For two weeks, we worked collaboratively with the Roadmap strategy (transferred from the Open Education Consortium, Paris, 2018), through collaborative work, project-based learning and video production with mobile devices. The teams designed projects to support the recommendations of UNESCO 2019. These projects are implemented in 2020 and published in open access.

The results were 14 projects and videos developed collaboratively by international network teams. The projects have been uploaded in open access to the Tecnológico de Monterrey Institutional Repository (RITEC https://repositorio.tec.mx) and its YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/itesm).

Democratizing knowledge advocates for leadership actions and collective work with practices that support the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources, where the constructive work with the open practice of the UNESCO/ICDE Chair Open Educational Movement for Latin America is highlighted.


Dear participants of OE GLOBAL 2020. It is a pleasure to greet you and comment on experiences about the transcendence of the Open Educational activity and of which I would like to mention two moments
I am pleased to share with you that in 2017 we participated Delia Alejandra Carvajal and María Cristina Chiramberro from Argentina, Dulfay Astrid González Jiménez from Colombia, Luis Fernando Olvera Castaño and a server Esteban Vázquez Herrera from México. In the UNESCO and ICDE Chair of the Open Educational Movement for Latin America, in which the project “PRODUCTION AND DISSEMINATION OF REA’S FOR DIVERSITY AND INTER-LEARNING was approved. The same that was developed in each of the faculties of the Universidad del Noreste Tampico de México, Universidad San Buenaventura de Cali in Colombia and the Instituto Comodoro Ridaura in Patagonia Argentina.



This project and its results have been recognized and presented at the 2019 International Stay of the UNESCO Chair and ICDE.
This participation of the Universidad del Noreste Tampico México, within the Open Educational Movement for Latin America, remained constant and successfully achieved the signing of the First Collaboration Agreement between a University of the American Continent and the UNESCO Chair and ICDE.

From the awareness and dissemination achieved of the Open Educational Movement in our University, we identified one of several areas of opportunity. And to ensure that our fellow teachers, as well as teachers from various universities in the north of the country, find it easier to design Open Educational Resources, which from the beginning was our end.

We designed the First Digital Skills Workshop for Higher Education Teachers, with the support of the UNESCO Chair and the ICDE, but mainly from the encouragement that Dr. María Soledad Ramírez Montoya spread to us, who is the “Chair” of our Cathedra.

This Workshop was carried out at the same time with a Master Lecture given at our University by Dr. Marisol herself.


In 2019, upon obtaining the application again to participate in the International residence of the UNESCO Chair and ICDE Open Educational Movement for Latin America. It has been approved and we are developing Antonia María Fernández Luque for Spain, Luis Clemente Jiménez Botello, Rosa Estela López Gómez and a server Esteban Vázquez Herrera for Mexico. The MEXICO - SPAIN Binational Project, supported by the Sustainable Development Objective of Unesco related to the Health and Well-being of the population, is focused on “Promoting and generating the Development of Digital Competences in Health Professionals”.

Despite the contingency generated by the pandemic, its first actions in the project have already been initially developed in Spain, starting in October, with Medical staff and Midwives from the Children’s Hospital of the Health Council of the Junta de Andalucía.
And in Mexico, our University continues the development of the project as of February 2021, also at the American Cultural Institute of the state of Mexico and the Ecatepec Valley State University.
Well, in this way we share some experiences that we hope will serve as a reference for our work focused on Open Education.


Greetings to everyone who has been invited to this Congress on Open Educational Resources, we would like to share the experience we have had as a group in the UNESCO/ICDE Chair of which we had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the year 2019.
During this Chair, we developed a training course, with the adaptive methodological innovation, for teachers and trainers from different academic backgrounds. The purpose is that teachers are able to create, promote, and spread their OERs. It is currently being tested in different institutions in Chile and Mexico.
For further references, you can access: Facebook: REA (OER) adaptativo 10.1

Email: rea.adaptativo@gmail.com
In addition, as group work, we have attended and participated actively as speakers in the CIAMTE and CAyRI congresses on Open Educational Resources and specifically on the project we are developing.
The members of this multi-disciplinary group are Gloria Tenorio, Luis Olvera, Angélica Martínez, Cristóbal Nova, Irene Seguel and me, Katherine Muñoz.

Dear @estebanvazquez,
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work with the UNESCO/ICDE Stay in Latin America. I’ve had the fortune to be part of a couple of them and I always feel energized and motivated to learn more about the open initiatives the group are developing.

Thank you for sharing this summary. Love the picture of the team! :slight_smile:

I hope to continue seeing around the rest of the presentations. It’s a pleasure to have you joined us.

This is wonderful @Kata!! :grinning:

¡Si, sí vamos a impactar!! Thank you sharing this set of videos; they are wonderful. I appreciated learning about your experience with the UNESCO/ICDE Stay 2019. We would love to promote your training course. Let me know if this is feasible.

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Dear Marcela
Thank you so much. That would be fantastic! We Will send you an email where we give you More details. And again thank you for your support to oer project.
¡Vamos a impactar! :grinning:

Es un honor pertenecer a este gran equipo, bajo el liderazgo de la Dra Marisol,
Es una oportunidad única y en verdad nos motivó a crear, compartir, difundir y ser parte del Movimiento Educativo Abierto,
Muchas gracias y muchas felicidades equipo