I’m still recovering from the conference week
But some quick references as I have been combing through my “discourse drawer” from when we first though of using it for the conference. I rely heavily on the Discourse meta forums for everything discourse.
There was not much there from searching in terms of people sharing experiences doing this, you find lot about plugins for integrating zoom and jitsi, and event plugins. But this post had helpful suggestions
There was also a while back useful exchange, even with some theory, asked by Linda Harasim who’s been around this game a long time.
I did find this rather elegant discourse site for a German tech organization that made it sound like they run some conference features online, e.g. [for this even](Conference? https://conference2021.1e9.community/)t (I did not dig too deeply)
Also, right here @lucytallents shared her open coursework (and note she is a great example of OE4BW in action) including a discourse powered forum for her GIS for Conservationists course.
I would also tap @Mackiwg for being super knowledgeable on using Discourse in the OERu courses.
If people are interested in asking, sharing more, well just jump in to our discussion.