This year, the conference theme is Connecting the Global Open Education Community. Although the theme was selected in 2019, it is so appropriate for 2020. We have experienced a pandemic, social distancing, a shift to distance learning, economic difficulties, home offices, home schooling, and so much more. Yet, we have found ways to be connected.
Life and work have been anything but normal. In fact, we’ve had to create our new normal. It has been frustrating, interesting, and challenging, but we have also experienced positive and learning experiences.
We have heard about many of your experiences over the last few months. Share what the conference theme means to you.
This year’s theme seems so appropriate because of the ability to connect without the barriers of travel. I’m looking forward to connecting with more primary & secondary (K-12) educators across the globe and potentially creating opportunities for collaboration between educators here in the U.S. and Canada with educators in other countries. I’m so VERY excited to see many U.S. educators able to attend this year’s conference because of it being online. Can’t wait to see everyone together in a Zoom room!
Connect is such a perfect theme for this year for all of the reasons Krista and Susan shared. For me it also is the annual opportunity to broaden my horizons through those connections - to get my mind blown by a different perspective. OEGlobal has always been that for me. It is a convergence of diversity in epic proportion, focused around a pure and common goal: to spread the joy of open education. The thrill of that experience is always the same no matter the format!
Who would have thought that 2020 would be the way it is. I think some scientists did thing that we were sitting on a time bomb and that something like this would happen. Now it has…
Community is more important than ever before and we see that our colleagues and students are longing for human contact and this is what they/we miss the most. So thank you for enabling these important conversations to happen and see what we can learn with and from each other.
Diverse communities is what can make a real difference to all of us, I think. So we are in a good place
Interesting as the question is, I wouldn’t just say that it means a lot to me, it does, though.
Conferences are great ways to meet like minded people, connect with them, collaborate and expand horizons. Though virtual, I see this conference as a great opportunity to get in touch and collaborate with researchers and scholars across the globe. We could in our own sweet ways, give back what the society has given us, made us successful as we stand today. In the process be a catalyst, even if it is the mildest, contribute my bit (through writing and research, quite naïve, though,) to make this world a more compassionate and kind place for generations to come.
Seeking connection to collaborate and construct - and in the process unlearn, relearn and learn… and it goes on.
Hola a todos mis compañeros en el mundooo!!, el tema de la conferencia para mi, Qué significa? Pertenezco al Repositorio Latinoamericano de Convocatorias Educativas (RELACE), este 2020 hemos Ganado el premio de OE Awards For Excellence y ese premio nos llena de mucho orgullo. Pueden verlo aquí: en este enlace podrán ver nuestro orgullo
Por tal motivo, esta conferencia significa el conocimiento social y científico sin barreras gracias a la tecnología y el trabajo en red, ¡si! así como lo imaginamos hace muchos años, el estar conectados de acuerdo a nuestras posibilidades e intercambiar con personas que se encuentran en todos los continentes. Esta conferencia es una muestra de que el ser humano es resiliente y supera barreras y adversidades, tales como la pandemia que movió los hilos que sostenían todas nuestras relaciones incluyendo la educación. Esta nueva normalidad necesitamos contra con este tipo d encuentros para no hundirnos en lo meramente material sino ir hacia el aprendizaje para todos y sin barreras a lo largo de toda la vida. !! Gracias a nos conectamos con el mundo y el mundo nos conoce.
Un abrazo a todosss
¡Hola Franahid @franadasi! Bienvenida. Encantada de verte por acá.
El trabajo que realiza la comunidad de RELACE es de gran importancia; impulsando y promoviendo la creación y uso de educación y prácticas abiertas en la región latinoamericana.
Hola. Que tal. Buenas Tardes desde México.
Sin duda coincido con usted cuándo menciona que esta época que nos está tocando vivir , es todo; menos normal. En mi caso, en ocasiones me ha costado entrelazar mis actividades diarias con la situación social que se vive en mi país; pero es la realidad. Así que éste tipo de espacios me da un rayo de “mucha esperanza” ; porque ahora podemos escucharnos y conectarnos desde cualquier punto geográfico a pesar de las condiciones que estamos viviendo . Realmente es muy alentador para una servidora ver y aprender de los colegas que están del otro lado de mi continente, y , a la vez; ésto me emociona, porque no conocía este tipo de eventos y ha sido una gran oportunidad para contactar a éstas hermosas personas que hacen posible todo ésto. Muchos abrazos.