A Guide to OEG Connect

September 14, 2020

This space at Open Education Global (OEG) is for all open educators interested in connecting and sharing with each other. We are excited that you found OEG Connect and we hope you find a community worth coming back to.

OEG has built opened Connect as both a community space and a platform for activities, events, and ongoing conversations about open educational resources, open pedagogy, etc. Most everything here is publicly open to read, but you will need to create an account to participate in conversations (see below).

OEG Connect is powered by the Discourse open source community software. While the platform offers onboarding support for newly created aCCOUNTS, we have created our own guide below to help you get comfortable here.

For more help using Discourse we recommend the discourse New Users Tips and Tricks or the self-paced tutorial you can get by sending a “hello” message to @connectbot. If you need assistance at any time, send a message to our Help team.

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