A Go To Self Contained Tutorial for Creative Commons

I know most every institution must have creative or linked to a tutorial to help their educators understand the intent and practice of using Creative Commons. It could be a video, web site, presentation…

My friend and colleague @econproph asked this of me privately, and as I rarely know all the resources, I nearly always turn this around and ask more people. Sorry Jim, I am outing your question.

Do you know of a decent CC-licensed little tutorial - along the lines of 15-60ish mins - that explains the basics of CC licensing and the different CC licenses?

I have to admit I find a lot of resources are very focused on the details of the different licenses, and shorter in the rationale, motivation, why (besides "so you don’t get sued).

For a short one, I sent this rather old video (is it dated) that is very approachable. But maybe it’s too brief and too 2011

This overview from Copyrightlaws.com is maybe about the right length, though it’s all text

For something medium length, I recommended the part of the OERu LiDA103 course


And of course the big one (probably bigger than Jim’s need), the content for the Creative Commons Certificate


But I hardly know them all… does anyone want to toss more suggestions into Jim’s hands.

Hi Jim!