A success story of adapting OER into undergraduate courses [ID 60]

A success story of adapting OER into undergraduate courses [ID 60]

Open educational resources (OER) can be valuable tools for enhancing regular courses. There are some ways to integrate OER into the curriculum, for example: (1) Full course replacement: Consider using a complete OER textbook or curriculum if it aligns with your course learning objectives. This can significantly reduce student costs. (2) Supplementary materials: OERs can be excellent resources to supplement existing course materials. Look for articles, simulations, interactive exercises, or multimedia resources that enrich specific topics. (3) Curated collections: Create your own curated collections of OERs tailored to specific learning objectives or units within your course. (4) Student exploration activities: Provide students with OERs as a starting point for research projects or independent learning activities.

Thus, here in Taipei Medical University, we’ve tried to build undergraduate courses by adopting our MOOCs as OERs. The core of instruction design of these courses are to curate progressive learning content. We divide the course content into different modules, each with clear learning objectives. You can provide an overview at the beginning of each module and a summary at the end of each module. Then, we design diverse learning activities. We combine a variety of learning activities to help learners better understand and master the course content. For example, we use lecture videos, readings, discussions and quizzes of the MOOCs we choose. We require students to submit a progress report of their learning. We use a variety of assessment methods to evaluate the learning outcomes of learners. The learner need to finish the peer review of these progress reports.

The courses were open for enrollment across the aliened universities. Because of the nature of the MOOCs, these courses are in asychronized format. There were more than 200 students enrolled in each course. Most students are looking forward to taking more courses operate in the same way.

Author Keywords
micro-credential, MOOCs, Open Education Resources, Instruction Design

Session Details

:clipboard: Format: Presentation
:busts_in_silhouette: Presenter(s): Hsu-Tien Wan, Yu-Fang Hsu, Chia-Chi Chang
:clock1: Brisbane Time: November 14, 1:30 PM → 1:55 PM AEST
:globe_with_meridians: Your Local Time:
:round_pushpin: Room: P1 - workshop
:bookmark: Topic Area: Open Pedagogy,Advocacy
:link: Sched: View in conference schedule


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