Mostly the entire OEG Connect Community is about sharing, but I thought maybe it would be worth having a specific place for sharing anything you have found in your web travels that is of interest to others here.
After all…
Life is Sharing flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
I have my own system of bookmarking sites I want to share here in my Pinboard account tagged oegconnect which I have a Zapier integration to post here. I am going to moving them all in this place (I have a tag for cooltech that I post to Mastodon, that’s another story)
What you share could be anything, as long as it has a public link:
- Articles / blog posts / papers
- OERs
- Useful collections / repositories
- Tools / Tech / neat things
- Stories that inspire you
- images / videos / music
Okay this is very broad, but keep this place in mind anytime you are reading something on the web that makes you stop and think “I should share this.”
Light up this space with what you find and share.
Think if it too as a small way to contribute to this community space-- even if it is just a single line "I want to share this!’ and a link.