Visit our plaza or virtual town square to say hello, connect with others, or use as a place to start conversations on topics of interest to you. Start a new topic to ask questions, share interesting resources, raise questions. The plaza is the open space for any conversation.
Malaga, on the square “Plaza de la Merced”, image 1 Wikimedia Commons image by Dguendel CC BY
Do you have questions about this space? Just ask. Are you looking to connect with other educators with your interests? Put put a call. Are you trying to find colleagues in your discipline? Share your interest. Do you have an interesting tool or issue with using OER? Put it in the plaza. How about a thorny question about licenses? Post the hard questions here.
A good starting point is to respond to the Please Say Hello post… Beyond that, please make use of the New Topic button.
This area is open to any conversation related to open education.
Welcome to the OEG Plaza.
Icon Credit: Market by Nithinan Tatah from licensed CC BY