And That's a Wrap! OE Awards 2024 Nomination Session

Thanks to our notification system I have been watching each and every nomination coming in for the 2024 OE Awards for Excellence which technically closed on June 30.

I can tell you the pool this year is very strong and award-worthy, with close to 120 people, resources, and projects nominated, representing 29 countries – Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, and Viet Nam

And a few have taken up the offer to write nomination in their preferred language- we have ones in German, French, and Spanish.

Indeed, you certainly β€œdid it” as Rosie the Nominator asked us.

Image by Alan Levine remixed from Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image shared right back into that public domain with CC0

If for some reason you did not have time to submit or complete the form our deadlines are soft on the edges, so we can allow a few more days to add a few more nominations. Contact us immediately and we will help you enter yours.

What happens next?

We are moving the nomination data into our custom review system which will be used for our 29 member panel of previous award winners who will begin in mid July their process if reviewing and rating a set of nominations. These will be ranked and compiled into the Shortlist of Finalists that will be share online by August 30. The winners will then be announced in a live online event on September 18.

Until Then, Enjoy the Stories

We are still catching up with OEGlobal Voices podcast episodes with the 2023 Award Winners, just recently having published:

And we have 36 more previous episodes with OE Award Winners.

Plus we are always seeking and adding to the collection of the Award Impact Stories. Our own @IslaHF has also been assembling short audio clips of these stories into a collection of audiograms available as a YouTube playlist e.g.

If you have previously been amongst the winners or shortlisted finalists of an OEAward for Excellence, we would like to add your story, contact us at

And get ready in September to see and hear from the 2024 awardees.