Be Inspired by OEAward Emerging Leader Sarah Kresh

As we boost more the 2023 OE Awards for Excellence with a spirit of Be Inspired by Past Winners, our newest episode of ==OEG Voices podcast featuring a conversation with Sarah Kresh, from the CUNY School of Professional Studies who was recognized in 2022 with an OE Award in Emerging Leadership.

You can listen to the episode there (and hopfully add our feed to your podcast listening app) but we also discovered that our editing tool publishes a version of the transcript that you can play the audio and read along with it - see Not only that, you can attach comments (aka annotations) to the transcript… but wait, there is more!

We can link directly to the audio of her fabulous quote at the end where Sarah described what the awards mean to her.

I think what’s exciting about the the awards is it highlights so much great work all over the world. I love going to look at the website with all the nominations and see what people are doing.

It really helps to put what we’re doing in a global context, which is really, really exciting. And edifying.

We hope Sarah’s story inspired you to nominate someone this year for the Leadership award within the the People of Open category, as well as reviewing the past winners of this award.

Get more audio inspiration, from over 30 past podcasts with OEAward winners .

Once inspired, head over to this year’s nomination guide to share your nomination for another educator who ought to be recognized with an OE Award (or within any of the other 15 awards).