Hi everyone,
We are presenting on the Growing Edges of Primary/Secondary OER and Open Pedagogy Research on October 17 at 4:15pm. If you have an interest in researching and advancing open education in K-12 contexts we would love to see you there.
You can also participate in our Padlet that has been setup and is available now to engage with related to the following questions:
- What opportunities exist for open education in K-12 learning contexts?
- What challenges exist for open education in K-12 learning contexts?
- What examples of open education in K-12 can you share from your local context?
- What are the most significant research needs for open education in K-12?
- What lessons learned from higher education can be useful as open education in K-12 gains momentum?
You can access the padlet here: https://padlet.com/shammershaimb1/the-growing-edges-of-primary-secondary-oer-and-open-pedagogy-hart2dhupujdlhix
We really value your input and would be happy to meet you during the session or at the conference.
Connie, Sarah, Jody, and Michael