Connect with 2022 Special Awards Winners

The winners of the 2022 Open Education Awards for Excellence have been announced!

Here we invite the open education community to congratulate and connect with the projects recognized in the Special Awards category.

Special Awards

The Open Education Awards for Excellence provide annual recognition to outstanding contributions in the Open Education community. While the core categories (individual, resources & practices) remain the same each year, we always look for ways to reflect new trends and emerging innovations in the Open Education Movement.

Meet the Special Awards Winners

Reply with your congratulations to the winners and also share how their work has impacted your own:

  • What is your experience or awareness of these award-winning projects?
  • What influence might they have on your own open education efforts?
  • What else would you like to know about them?
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This is beyond “special” to see the Open Resilience award recognizing librarians from the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.

Many thanks to @Paola for earlier this year sharing the moving letter from Tetiana Kolesnykova showing so clearly this strong sense of resilience:

As librarians, we had to take care of our teams and ensure that most online library services were reliably provided for ongoing remote university work. We had to protect the unique books and digital collections and we chose to be the ambassadors of Open Education (OE) and Open Educational Resources (OER) at our universities, and possibly in the whole of Ukraine. And all of that - in critical times of crisis.

The war has made us strong.

Ukrainian librarians are determined to continue supporting students and teachers: often in extreme conditions. They are taking the chance to implement Open Education solutions at a time when most at need.

Read the full text of Tetiana’s message (thanks to SPARC librarian colleagues for translating):

OE developments in UA - en.pdf (60.3 KB)


Huge respect to our friends in :ukraine: Ukraine who serve their community even under extreme pressure.

Congratulations on winning the Open Resilience award!