:sync: Creating and Integrating MOOCS in Blended Learning

Dear Friends,
As I would we sharing about the eContent development and creation in my workshop session. I invite you to download and install some software and register to some sites to facilitate hands-on activities.
1.OBS- Open broadcaster software https://obsproject.com/download.
2. Mindmaster- https://www.edrawsoft.com/mindmaster/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA7qP9BRCLARIsABDaZzhkr5LNxvLeNjOU4kqXXL8I8apA_b9V2Y9yiYlmngWBjTPCS-nz8akaArK2EALw_wcB
3. Render Forest-
4. Sign up for RenderForest.https://www.renderforest.com/
5. edu.gloster.com

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