Cross-promoting Book and Education events around March

Hello everyone,

There are a ton of interesting events happening this time of year:

…and there’s probably a lot of other cool related stuff going on (what else is out there?).

Several of these events are relevant to the open education community. How do we raise awareness about them? How do we cross-promote events and let them know about OE Week?

Examples of this are already out there: this event was listed as part of the Week of Slovak Libraries as well as the Open Education Week.

Can we perhaps make this more systematic, rather than a one-off? What needs to be done?

I have contacts at UNESCO and the organizers of the Week of Slovak Libraries and will check with them how we might cooperate.

Who else do we want to talk with? What needs to happen? Who will talk to whom?

PS: tagging OE Global’s own @heatherb who heads CCCOER. She already had some ideas about this… :innocent:

I can see for next year making sure we have a more comprehensive list of other related events (I have to admit that this is first I have heard of International Day for Digital Learning).

We did learn from @AmandaGrey that Canada SDG Week coincided with OE Week, and for the past 2 years we have folded in something for March 8 as International Womens Day.

The days are seemingly endless!

The UN has a comprehensive list of International Days and Weeks that seems to be harvested for We might avoid lists like which offers days for potato chips and filling staplers :wink:

I’m not sure if we need to be really compiling all the days, but maybe more community sourcing ones they are aware of. That was somewhat the intent of creating the OE Events space here which gets a moderate amount of use from people in Connect who are offering events. It’s one of those things that its usefulness and incentive to contribute is not apparent until there is some threshold of content added it – I think it’s most useful too if you participate in any event listed here, to contribute back by sharing a short reply of what you got out of it. One can dream.

Okay, to your point, let’s identify as many as we can that might be relevant to cross pollinate during Open Education Week/Month timeframe, and make an effort next year to have a compaign to cross connect.

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There’s definitely some overlap between Open Education and the UN SDGs, especially for those of us who participate in the UN SDG Open Pedagogy Fellowship. Last year during OE/UNSDG Week we held a joint event hosted by KPU Open and someone working on a large UN SDG project and it went really well.


@chellreed Do you have any thoughts on this topic? I enjoyed your blog post, Unlocking OER for Public Libraries. I’m hoping we have some public librarians on here- National Reading Month is a such a great initiative!

I think cross-promotion and building those relationships now in advance of next year’s March celebrations is a great idea. With poetry, theater, digital learning… there’s so much opportunity for creative shared programming that could raise awareness and advance mutual goals. Let me know if we can help!

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