Digital learning alliance reform in higher eduation sector

Hi, I’m Marian from Taiwan.
This post I shall introduce some initiaitives of OER here in my region.

Since year 2022, we had a national-wide project for digital learning alliance reform in higher eduation sector. It is a 4-years-long project, which will be ended in 2026. The project has 3 major goals:
A. Digital learning empowerment for educators and students
It aims to build feasible incentives for educators to integrate digital elements in their courses. Also, training courses of digital learning are provided for educators or students.

B. Digital learning course production and sharing.
The university alliance should produce MOOC courses in series under a consent theme. Also, each member university of the alliance should promote its own adaption within their own institution.

C. Promoting global usage of open education resource
Alliance should open and sharing their MOOCs or education resources. Universities could link these global learners with advance education opportunities. Futhermore, the project encourage educators to use OER in the learning design.

From 2022, there are 6 alliances, totally 32 universities participating in this project. 101 MOOCs had been produced and open for learning in various platforms. More than 57 courses has been the showcase of OER adaption. The successful stories are sharing between alliances and other universites. Undergraduate students are empowered to do self-learning through MOOCs.

The second stage of this project would be in 2024~2026. We are looking forward to linking to more educators and universities with this digital reform.


This is ambitious and exciting work @wanhsu1234 ! Do you have any links that we can follow so that the community can engage further?

I think that’s great @wanhsu1234

Well done!
I hope the best for you.
Cannot give up of this project.