Dissertation survey on practices and perspectives on the remix of OER

Dear Community,

I am forwarding this request for participants in a survey for my colleague Angela Gunder’s (University of Arizona) dissertation research. Specifically, she is looking for respondents from outside North America. Thank you so much for reading her statement below and participating if possible.

Greetings! My name is Angela, and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies Program in the College of Education at the University of Arizona. I am conducting a research study on the practices and perspectives of educators on the remix of open educational resources (OER).

Through a series of interviews and observations of educators remixing OER in digital spaces of their choosing, I am looking to determine which spaces and tools are typically used in the open remix process, what practices and methods are used, and how people feel about the challenges and opportunities related to open remix. Your participation in this survey will help me to identify commonalities amongst educators engaging in open educational practices. Should you wish to contribute beyond the scope of this survey, you will have a chance to indicate your willingness to participate in additional stages of this research study.

Please note that this is completely voluntary. You can choose to be in the study or not. If you’d like to participate or have any questions about the study, please email or contact me at agunder@email.arizona.edu.

An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The University of Arizona reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable, according to applicable state and federal regulations and University policies designed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research.

Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any help you are able to provide throughout the research process.


Angela Gunder

I responded last week to Angela’s survey and am anxious to see the results that come out of her research, especially for its focus on remix.

Please sign up!