Doughnut Economics Action Lab - OER materials

A repository of OER materials about Doughnut Economics, the reframe of economics away from the destructive fallacy of perpetual growth toward more sustainable and regenerative ways of living. Includes lesson plans and teaching resources, default licensed CC BY-SA. Hosted by Doughnut Economics Action Lab, with some materials they’ve created and others contributed by the broader community.

Check it out here.

Thanks for sharing this resource, Curt, much to explore. It took a little clicking around the DEAL site to find the key explanation of Doughnut Economics (If you want to know the little trick I recently found to create that link, check it out after you explore the DEAL site).

I am very intrigued and motivated by thus model of of concentric rings defining this doughnut space between of a Social Foundation and Ecological Ceiling (plus as a former geology student, the metaphor is very familiar)

Diagram of rings marked Ecological Ceiling and inside a smaller ring of social foundation
Diagram from the Doughnut Economics Action Lab

I wonder if it resonates with others here. Is this a project you are connected with Curt? Regardless, thanks for sharing and modelling the act of sharing here in the zone for it in OEG Connect.

I’m not personally connected to the project, just find its framework quite compelling and resonant with the climate change work I do, and was glad to discover all their open licensed resources.

Thank you for sharing this repository. I remember I heard about this project reading ‘Design for a better world’ by Don Norman.

In this website, the author shares more resources about this topic Resources – Design for a Better World. I found this website very interesting to learn about the circular economy.

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