DS106Radio Summer Camp: Weeklong Live Event Over Internet Radio

Who has pre-internet memories of listening to the radio? It’s still done, and here is a light and easy opportunity to experience an older modality of communications (live audio broadcasts) over a new medium.

Experience DS106Radio Summer Camp any time the week of August 12-16, for free, tune in just by clicking a link.

Imagine summer camp, on the radio, connecting with friends old and new as you tell stories around the campfire, reflecting on the year that’s been and learning a whole lot along the way.

Join us this August live on DS106 Radio as we go to camp. Starting on Monday, August 12th, we’ll be taking to the airwaves with live shows featuring edtech storytelling, debate and our year in music. Every day for a week there’ll be live sessions sharing adventures in Higher Education and beyond as we celebrate the end of this academic year and pool our energies for the new term.

It’s free, they just ask that you sign up. See the current schedule of events – when you sign up, you will get access to the interactive schedule that will also let you listen to sessions you missed.

This is of keen interest as we are working with event provide Reclaim Hosting on an idea to bring internet radio as a means to be part of the OEGlobal 2024 conference in Brisbane and contribute to the radio station content. Stay tuned!

See also some radio activity here

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Thanks for joining us in the Western106 Roundup!
ds106Radio Summer Camp starts at 10 am Eastern.
Join me for “Stories about digital storytelling: past, present, and futures” Wednesday Aug 14th at 3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific (UTC-4).
You can listen in on https://listen.ds106rad.io/
Full Schedule: Summer Camp.
#ReclaimHosting #ds106RadioSummerCamp #ds106 #ReclaimRadio
#DigitalStorytelling #StoryCenter #talkingwithmachines

Felicitaciones por la edición y difusión. Excelente. Saluda el doctor Ageleo Justiniano Tucto. Perú.