Excuse the Finger Pointing But Please Share Your OE Week Recordings

For all Open Education Week webinar/video sessions, please help us build out our archive of recordings! As a distributed event, we rely on event organizers to update their event web sites or OE Week event descriptions with recordings so they can be made available.

Please help!

Wry faced man pointing a finger at you with meme text I'm looking at you to share your OEWEEK session archives

We have looked all over the internet to find as many as we can to add to our OE Week 2024 playlist

but if we missed yours, please let us know via a reply below or email us info@openeducationweek.org

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Here is the URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM_qfyHwsPg to our session from J. Sargeant Reynolds- we are still trying to help introduce faculty to OERs in general, so this isn’t as exciting as a lot of the other contributors who provide new resources or discuss lived experiences working with OERs, but hopefully if we keep trying we will increase interest (probably we will try offering the workshop again, if so I intend to have a handout with QR codes that go directly to textbooks and open-source citation tools… those are the things I think have the most drawing power/usability in the short-term- of course, the great thing about OERs is that the repository is just constantly expanding with amazing content…)

Thanks for responding to the call, Robin, I have added the recording from your session to the playlist with all the recordings we have collected. It’s all exciting to see you and Denise putting the word out on open at J. Sargeant Reynolds.

And look at you doing it from the car :wink: That’s the spirit.

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