Interesting thread! Thanks for starting it, @tamiel !
The distinction between Professional Development and formal degrees is quite interesting. It could lead to further work on integrating the two, as was probably done with CCK08 (the original MOOC).
The Slovenian program just popped up in a group about OERs in Quebec (thanks, @Marilou !). Adding this thread to our own discussions, referring to KPU’s presence at OEG22.
From our quick “internal” discussion, it sounds like there might be an opportunity to use bits and pieces of these formal programs to co-design one which might work in Quebec. Maybe it could bridge gaps between PD and formal programs, especially if we set up the right modes for both recognition and credentials (i.e., if we “Keep Badges Weird” @dajbelshaw et al.!).
Personally, I get the sense that even just the work of coming up with shared Learning Objectives could lead us down a fascinating path, whether the program itself ever “hears the light of day”. After all, developing shared objectives is a significant component of the original approaches to Open Pedagogy…
Of course, building personas would be part of that exercise. Who’s likely to benefit from such programs, both as learners going through them and as organizations working with the people who’ve developed relevant knowledge and competencies.
What examples could we leverage, in terms of co-design exercises, for both formal programs and PD? Some work has been done in Learning Experience Design (that’s part of what our team was doing with PD, at the Canada School of Public Service). Surely, Connect participants have been involved in similar things in formal education…
Besides, with the number of Instructional Designers and Pedagogical Counsellors in our network, we should be able to come up with appropriate solutions to diverse needs.
As usual with Connect discussions, we can identify neat opportunities for collaborative work!