Give a Welcome and Hello to new OEGlobal Board Vice Chair Lisa Young

We have many reasons to cheer for this news announcing that Lisa Young @lcbyoung has been voted in as Vice Chair of OEGlobal, especially for her many years of being active in CCCOER activities:

Her position as Vice Chair of OE Global validates a career-long passion to ensure access to open licensed and public domain assets, knowing that open education practices and materials have the power to change lives across the world. Starting as faculty teaching water resources, her interests later expanded to online education and OER. She has delivered many presentations and workshops focusing on OER across the U.S. and abroad.

I am especially proud of this because in my early educational technology days at the Maricopa Community Colleges, I got to know Lisa in that period when she taught water resources at GateWay Community college, saw her advance into being Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Scottsdale Community College (SCC), and now working on Open Education Practices related efforts for the entire Maricopa system.

Here’s a memory of Lisa emceeing the 2014 TechTalks event she organized at SCC.

Lisa as Emcee flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

You can hear Lisa as one of the guests on the OEG Voices episode from November 2022 when we covered the OER scene across Arizona community colleges.

I’m so proud to see Lisa take on this important role, and please add on your words of encouragement (or advice!). Go Lisa, Go!