Originally published at: Ignore the Calendar: OEWeek Ongoing, Sharing, Curating - Open Education Week
What a week! March 3-7 flew on by and we hope you got to experience much from Open Education Week, where we saw 295 global events offered in 2025… But just because the “official” week is over, keep in mind that we include events that are happening after March 7. Still on the calendar are 38 more “post” OEWeek events to explore.
Return any time to check what is happening on the current day use the “<” and “>” buttons on the calendar to navigate to any day, or go directly by linking to a date, e.g for March 25 or 2025-03-25, go to https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/activities/2025-03-25/
A Week More to Curate

We saw good activity through our call to share open assets to three specific places and many of these are the resources that were added by the organizations and people who created them. But equally important and useful, are sharing the resources that you saw shared in the events and activities you participated in last week.
Perhaps you bookmarked links, or kept notes, or shared them in social media. You can support our global efforts if you also take a few minutes to share. Here is a guide to our three paths.
- For singular open educational resources, e.g. an open textbook, a class activity, an educational game, etc that is available on the web and shared under a creative commons license, we recommend sharing the information into OER Commons (needed is a web address, a short description, and a few category fields). Follow our getting started guide to create an account, and add to our OEGlobal Group from which we will include it in the Curated Collection for OEWeek25. Included already are the following OERs:
- OER-SCEP Action Plan for K-12 District Implementation
- ¿Cómo surge el conocimiento?
- Vocational Orientation in STEM teaching: Web-based training for teachers
- Climate change: Two media packages on global warming and its impacts
- Research Skills Reader: 2024-2025 edition
- సార్వత్రిక విద్యావనరు (ఓపెన్ ఎడ్యుకేషనల్ రిసోర్స్) (Artificial Intelligence for Teachers in Telugu)
- Shattering the Silence: The Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan
- Електричне обладнання тепловозів (Electrical equipment of diesel locomotives)
- Playful Hybrid Higher Education
- To share open organizations/institutions, projects, programs, services (e.g. repositories), policies, please consider adding to the OER World Map. We have another getting started guide to help you log in to OER World Map and put any shared information on the world map. For anything added for Open Education Week, just add the oeweek25 tag, allowing us to generate a map of information during this time with some statistical data to look more closely at the activity. New added items include
- OpenSLCC
- West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN)
- Develop Your English: with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (DYE)
- Continuous Professional Development Frameworks (CPD)
- Open Skilling: Accelerating Workforce Readiness Through Open Education
- DigiPedia
- Digital Academic Archives and Repositories (Dabar)
- Diagnosis: a medical education game
- Unidades de Apoyo para el Aprendizaje (UAPA)
- You can share these and pretty much anything else by writing a short topic in the OEGConnect space for Sharing OEWeek. Along with automated adding of new posts in the 23 Good Reasons to adopt Open Education series already there you can find
- Recent OER Highlights from Africa
- Equity Diversity and Inclusion in Open Education with a focus on Africa and Latin America
- ENOEL Toolkit – last version now available in 22 languages
- GO-GN Open Resources
- New MOOCs Ecosystem: Collaborative Approach to Open Learning
- إطار تقييم التعليم الإلكتروني – التعليم العالي or Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Learning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- La Educación Abierta en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Please make these collections better by sharing anything you discovered during Open Education Week.
A Week More to Remix, Share, Vote, Win Prizes

Thanks to Bryan Mathers and Gracie Ross from Visual Thinkery, we launched am Open Education Week Remixer Contest hosted in OEG Connect. Each day we posted a new creative challenge, easily doable in 30 minutes or less, each using a different remixer tool available from https://remixer.visualthinkery.com/.
We are offering a week more for anyone who wishes to try the five remix challenges:
- The Monday March 3 Challenge… Say Hello with the My Name is badge
- The Tuesday March 4 Challenge… Share the place of your first OE Experience as a Field Note
- The Wednesday March 5 Challenge… Where the Venn Are You in Open Education?
- The Thursday March 6 Challenge… Share your feelings on the OE Couch
- The Friday March7 Challenge… Open is Elemental – Remix an Element in the Periodic Table of Openness
Even if you don’t want to make a remix, you can help us out by using the Favorite button in OEG Connect (you need to be logged in) to “vote” for the ones you like best. After the end of this week March 14, we will count the most popular remixes so we can award prizes (vouchers for use in the OEGlobal Merch shop).
Explore the Remixer Machine, we bet you can find a way to make use of it for your own Open Education efforts.
So indeed, there is no immediate end to the goodness that is Open Education Week that comes from the open global community.
Featured Image: google lego calendar flickr photo by keso shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license – in fair spirit we would have enjoyed adding an OEweek logo to the image, but we respect the owners ND wishes.